
Capturing customer loyalty is much more than just discounts

Offering student discounts is seen by many retailers as a sure-fire way to foster early brand loyalty. This is known as incentivised loyalty and historically has been one of the best ways to ensure your valued customers stay with you. This is particularly relevant with students as capturing their loyalty at an early age is much easier than having to tempt them away from their established suppliers.

However, according to SAPs Global Customer Loyalty Index 2024, incentivised loyalty is stagnating (with only an 11% increase in effectiveness over four years) and discounts alone are no longer enough to retain customers. In contrast, their research found that Ethical Loyalty and True Loyalty saw growth of 25% and 26% respectively over the same period, reflecting a stronger connection to brand values and responsible shopping. Again, younger buyers are much more likely to be attracted to ethical suppliers and to stay with them.

Ethical Loyalty is influenced by how well a customer feels a brand aligns with their own morals and values, including aspects such as privacy and security. Factors like this then feed in to True Loyalty which can only be achieved when a customer trusts a brand entirely.InAcademia doesn’t just enable your brand to offer student discounts it helps you to do it in a way that your customers will love, by respecting their privacy at every step we ensure that you can continue to build the trust from your customers you are already working so hard to cultivate.

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