Users might sometimes see a message after authentication that says “We were unable to process your student validation because the SAML response from your institution does not confirm your student affiliation. As a result, the cart discount...
Student Discount for WooCommerce
When validating their affiliation, using the Student Discount for WooCommerce plugin, users will need to re-validate each time they visit your shop in a new browser session.
A Discovery Service allows users to select their home institution from a pre-configured list of the institutions that can be accessed by the InAcademia service using the eduGAIN infrastructure.
The InAcademia Service redirects the user to its institutional identity provider, providing users with valid accounts the ability to login.
If the user has a valid account, the identity provider will return a specified attribute, which InAcademia will read and translate to a successful validation. The user will be asked to consent to the result being returned to your webshop……and the...
If the user attempts to login and cannot provide valid credentials, the user will be returned to the cart where an appropriate error will be displayed confirming that they have not been validated.The Notice and Button persist in this scenario in...
The Discovery Service will prompt the user with search tips, but if the user cannot find it’s institution, it will be unable to validate its eligibility for your discount using this service and will need to proceed without the discount.
The user will be presented with a message saying “Error: access_denied Description: affiliation does not match requested validation”; the discount won’t be applied to the shopping cart, but the user will be able to continue with their purchase at...
The Student Discount for WooCommerce plugin provides access to InAcademia’s operational/live production service, and for eduGAIN policy and security reasons, it is not allowable to publish test credentials to the Discovery Service.
eduGAIN is an identity and access management infrastructure that helps nearly 27,000,000 students, researchers and educators access online services while minimising the number of accounts users have to manage – reducing costs, complexity and...